When is the Best Time to Prune Trees?

Pruning is one of the most common tree maintenance procedures. For those of you who are not familiar with the term, tree pruning is a process of removing parts of the tree, such as brunches, in order to keep the tree healthy. A healthy and well nurtured tree produces high quality flowers, fruits and growth in general.

Tree pruning, cutting or trimming is an ongoing process throughout the life of any tree. After planting your favorite tree, early pruning is essential. Proper and regular pruning will save you lots of money and give you a healthier, safer, easy to maintain and beautiful looking tree. You should remember that what you do to your tree in its first couple of years will affect latter on its strength, shape and life span.

All tree pruning must be done with an understanding of its biology. Improper pruning may result in a long lasting damage and shorten the tree’s life.

When is the best time to prune?

This depends on variety of factors. For example, light pruning and removal of dead wood can be done anytime.

Winter Pruning

Tree pruning during the winter period is the most common practice. When pruning in winter, it usually results in a vigorous burst of growth in the spring. If that is the desired effect, then you should definitely prune in winter.

You should wait for the coldest period of winter to pass. Some particular species, such as walnuts, birches and maple may bleed when the sap begins to flow. But this is not harmful at all and will completely cease as soon as the tree leafs out.

Summer Pruning

If you want to slow the growth of unwanted branches, or just want to slow the development of the tree, then the pruning should be done right after its seasonal growth. By doing tree pruning during the summer period, you’ll reduce the total leaf surface, thereby reducing the amount of flowers and food manufactured.

Pruning for corrective purposes is another important reason why to prune in the summer. You can see the defective limbs more easily or limbs which hang too far down, under the weight of the tree leaves.

Pruning Flowering Trees

If your pruning purpose is to enhance flowering, you should have the following couple of things in mind:

  • If you’re pruning trees which bloom in the spring, then you should prune as soon as their flowers fade.
  • Shrubs and trees which bloom in mid to late summer should be pruned early in the spring or in the winter.

When not to Prune?

Fall is the season when pruning should not be done at all. Healing of wounds is slower on fall cuts, so this is not a good period for tree pruning.

Now that you know all that you need to know about tree pruning, it is time to contact us at TPS Tree Looping Company, and get all the needed help and information from our team of professionals.