
Why You Should Always Remove Old Tree Stumps from Your Yard

You may find tree stumps to be harmless at first glance. However, it is imperative to get them removed from your yard at your earliest convenience. They have the potential to emerge as a serious safety hazard just like a dead tree that may fall anytime. These stumps may become a source of not one problem but several problems. However, if you still remain attached to your tree stumps, Brisbane tree services have the following reasons for you to remove them:

Old Stumps are a Safety Hazard:

When you are planning to convert your house into a child-friendly zone, you cannot allow the existence of a stump. If you have a small child who loves to run all over the yard and garden area in your home, the stump may become a major obstacle. It may not let your little one/s enjoy the space but instead restrict them. Not to mention, you might constantly worry about the stump and your child.

Stumps Vs Mower:

Stumps may not only prove to be damaging for your lawnmower but also make the task of mowing tougher. When you have tree stumps in your yard, removing weeds may become a complete nuisance. Tree services Brisbane can help in removing tree stumps effectively.

Stumps May Lead to New Trees’ Growth:

When you have a tree stump, it may contribute to the growth of other trees nearby, which for some people may appear as a positive, however, it is important to have control over the type of trees in your yard. Some trees can be pests and others can grow far too tall or wide. Not to mention, it may become tougher to remove nearby trees as they may establish their roots and, these roots may sprout back again after getting removed. You may require some expensive chemicals to get them killed entirely. Additionally, the growth of trees may also consume essential nutrients meant for other plants.


There are various vital reasons for removing stumps from your yard. Tree lopping in Brisbane Southside provides services to eliminate stumps from your yard. Don’t forget leaving stumps inside your yard will also attract harmful insects and any decaying stumps may also become a perfect home for the insects that may ultimately enter your home.

How to Salvage your Trees Post-storm

Storm season looms around the month of September to April in Australia. During these times, trees can suffer heavily and flourished gardens can suddenly turn into a very sad story. To reverse the damage caused during these stormy months, tree lopping can really help. Every year the storm season comes and disrupts the lush forestation in Australia. So, the team at TPS have discussed some important tips that people should know about. These tips are inclined toward tree lopping services to help you reverse/prevent damage caused during storm season.

Preventative Measures

Severe storms are unpredictable and it is extremely challenging to prepare for them when they come unannounced. However, one can take a few of these underwritten preventive steps that will assist them in mitigating the aftermath that follows:

1. Have a routine tree care service session:

You cannot foresee storms but you can develop a routine whereby your trees can withstand such storms. It is important to note that having a healthy tree life requires constant efforts. Thus, you shouldn’t miss routine pruning of the trees and tree and stump removal of unhealthy and weak trees. Because weak and flimsy trees will wither during these storms and pose a threat.

2. Tree Services:

Whenever you hear of any storm approaching your way it is best if you consult tree service professionals for your trees and lawn. They will give you the best advice on how to preserve the trees and what damage to expect from your trees post-storm.

Contact the local arborist in your area or call TPS Tree Lopping. This is important in order to asses any existing lopping canopy or any over-pruning. Because then these weaklings have to be removed so that they don’t encroach in your area and cause excessive damage.

3. Have Enough Space for Trees to Grow:

This step comes way before you ever plan to plant a garden and get some trees. It is the proper mapping of your lawn which will ensure that your trees have proper room to grow. In this step, you have to assess the available space and design the tree space you want – this is typically the best time to have those unwanted and dying stumps removed. Ensure you research, compare and understand stump grinding prices in your neighborhood. This step is important because trees tend to grow their roots out and they might get too close to structure or wires which is a major cause of damage during storms.

4. Removal of Debris:

After the storm has passed, it is now time to get the damages assessed and have a clear-up session. For this purpose, have a professional come and evaluate the condition of your trees. Professionals will not only give you a safety check but will also remove the debris, identify trees that have pests or fungal infection, and bind the trees which have come undone.


Maintaining a healthy lawn and robust trees is not a cakewalk and if you love your plant babies then you need to invest time, money, and energy into their upkeep. Best to contact Brisbane tree lopping at this time.

Emergency Tree Care – What to Do

People usually prepare their house for storms by closing windows and doors. However, on fatal occasions, you may find your beloved tree(s) knocked to the curb where tree removal service is the only possible rescue.

Trees usually succumb to storms which have been followed by long periods of dryness. It is in such situations that you realise the emergency you have to deal with. Tree service is your solution in such cases.

How do Tree Emergencies Occur?

Tree emergencies can be labeled to such situations where a knocked out tree in your vicinity creates impediments as well as potential threat and injury to people. In a nutshell, situations that require immediate tree removal service can be called tree emergencies.

One can expect a very high rate of tree emergencies during storm season. You may require tree emergency assistance for the following reasons:

  • Lightning strikes are one of the primary reasons why trees fall
  • Fatally wounded trees in forms of cracks and continued wear and tear tend to fall first during a storm.
  • Trees which have undergone traffic hazards also tend to fall apart.
  • Trees abused by pests like elm leaf beetle or so, tend to become hollow inside.

In such cases tree cutting services become imperative.

How to Deal with Tree Emergencies?

Tree emergencies can be scary but fret not as you can easily resolve this issue if you seek professional services. If unfortunately, the neighbouring tree falls on any property, the priority must be to secure the area and reduce human intervention. Prevent any contact even if just to assess the damage.

Professional tree arborists and tree services Brisbane will be your best friend in this time of chaos.

An experienced arborist will tell you exactly how much damage has occurred and if there is any scope for saving the tree. Primarily, Tree services will tell you how to deal with the situation.

How to Prevent Tree Emergencies?

One may argue with this thought saying that such situations are unforeseeable. However, that is not true. Prevention of such catastrophes is totally possible; it just requires extra efforts and timely check-ups.

Good gardening practices will always help your trees and plants withstand a certain amount of wind forces. Another practice is to get an assessment of your trees. Know their age, their density and their likeliness of damage. You cannot obviously do this on your own; hence invest in seeking professional opinion such as Tree services.


Tree services Brisbane will come in quite handy if you’re doubtful about the age and health of your tree. This assessment can help you better prepare for any unfortunate and unforeseen tree emergency.

Tasks That a Tree Service Company Can Do For You

Having a beautiful garden of our own and relaxing there with a warm cup of coffee is everyone’s dream. However, there are many issues that come along while planning to have a perfect garden of our own. No worries, a tree service company can help you maintain a healthy garden. Whether it be tree cutting, plantation, trimming of the ancestral backyard trees, or even simply watering the garden, hiring a professional tree removal Brisbane for it can ease your work load and make the overall experience garden maintenance much easier. Some of the services which you can avail from a tree service provider are:

Trimming or Cutting:

When trees grow bigger, they are needed to be trimmed. These trees grow like crazy and look weird if not trimmed properly. Not only for this reason but also for maintaining trees health, tree pruning is a mandatory step. Trimming is essential for safety also. Those big branches can come in your way and you will end up hurting yourself.

A tree service company will provide you with both these services – pruning and trimming of trees. They examine the growth of the trees and then do the needful. They bring all the modern trimming and pruning tools like hand shears, lopping shears, hedge trimmers and many more. In normal cases, trimming of trees is done twice in a year if pruning is taken care of.

Reviving Trees:

Keep your orchard healthy all the time by often calling a tree cutting service provider. They will look for any bugs that may occur in trees or its roots getting weak or damaged. It is easy to control the pitiful condition in the early stage than to freak out when the problems become worse and spread to the whole garden. The whole plantation may get affected by a single sapling and can become contagious.


Before a weak tree gets damaged, call a professional who can identify the diseases or any virus killing the trees and making them sick. They know how to revive trees and maintain their health by using organic sprays and aerating the root zone heavily.

Is your house storm ready? Get your trees under control.

Queensland is notorious for storm season, and tall trees are major hazards, especially if they fall on power lines. Our expertise has prevented many deadly accidents and insurance headaches. Here’s how we can help you do the same.


We’re there when you need us

Trees, Palms and Stumps is available 24 hours 7 days a week. Our services aren’t limited to homeowners. Businesses across Brisbane like real estate agents, insurance companies, and schools have us on call when major work needs to get done. Our reach goes from the CBD all the way to Edens Landing.


Lop until it drops

Cutting a tree properly is a science. You don’t just cut it at the base and yell ‘timber!’Arborists are also known as tree surgeons because there’s a special method to felling trees. Yes, really. Arborists need a Certificate III in Arboriculture, minimum, to work. Arborists that work for the Brisbane City Council have a diploma.

The tree lopping process starts with the team assessing the work site. Are the trees in a confined space? Are they strong enough to climb? After the initial inspection, a quote is issued to the client. Once they accept, the work begins.


More clearing, less risk

Queensland storms are the stuff of nightmares. Heavy rainfall and strong winds are bad enough. But fragile trees add to the problem. You’ve most likely seen the Energex ads warning against fallen power lines, especially if they’re mixed up in tree branches. The foliage makes it a deadly problem because they make the wires  hard to see.

Tree lopping as a preventative measure will save your house as well. We’ve all seen the reports at newstime with images of fallen trees flashing across the screen. Often the winds were strong enough to blow them over…right on top of someone’s house.

These are some of the reasons why tree lopping is a good preventative measure. Insurance claims after a natural disaster are a source of anxiety and other sorts of discontent, especially when the provider drags their feet. You’re guaranteeing your family and your home’s safety when the tree lopping is complete