4 Common Fungi which affect Trees and How to Treat Them

Even though it might not often cross your mind, trees get sick just like we do. Tree diseases can have many negative consequences on tree health including discoloration, impaired growth, poor canopy, and failure to thrive. If left untreated, diseased trees will eventually die.

Therefore, if you don’t want any dead trees in your garden, ensure you seek professional help from the number one Brisbane company offering the best tree service. Once you call, an experienced arborist will come and inspect your problem tree/s, look for disease signs, and provide a further treatment recommendation.

Now, let’s have a look at the most common tree diseases in Brisbane and how should they be treated:

Common Tree Diseases in Brisbane

  1. Myrtle Rust

According to many tree service companies in Brisbane, plants like Paperbark tree, Lilly Pilly, Bottlebrush tree, and Eucalyptus usually suffer from this fungal disease. Myrtle rust spreads quite fast and can be quite serious since it damages and attacks growing leaves and young stems, fruit, and flowers. If you have any of the above-mentioned plants, or some other from the Myrtaceae family, in your yard check whether they have purple spots with yellow spores. And, if they do, contact your tree service company asap.

  1. Anthracnose

Anthracnose is another disease that affects a great range of trees and plants so it is very likely that you will come across it at some point. It is characterized by sunken legions and holes in stems, flowers, and leaves, and is most likely to be found in damp and humid areas. Therefore, since the climate in Brisbane is pretty humid, anthracnose thrives. Just make sure you seek professional tree service help if you notice any signs of the disease.

  1. Cypress Canker

Here’s yet another fungal disease affecting Brisbane trees. If you notice that the branches on your trees have deep red cankers, then they suffer from Cypress canker. Unfortunately, this group of fungus spreads fast and once one branch gets infected, it turns yellow and spreads the disease to the other branches. If the entire tree gets infected, you should probably seek for tree removal service to avoid other trees getting infected with the same disease.

  1. Phellinus Noxius

This tree disease is also known as brown root rot and is another fungus disease affecting Brisbane trees. To be more specific, they infect the root and lead to root rotting and decay. After some time, the tree wouldn’t be able to get the water and nutrients needed because the roots won’t be able to pass them on. And, similar to the previous one, if your tree service provider concludes that your tree is infected by this fungus, they should probably perform both tree removal and stump removal.

The Bottom Line

It is of utmost importance that you seek immediate expert tree service help in case you notice any of the above-explained signs of these diseases. Since they all spread fast, timing is crucial. Thus, call TPS Tree Lopping today and arrange a professional tree inspection.